Williams, Kelly A., Jacob P. Sieg, Laura R. Dykstra, and Cheryl R. Dykstra. 2025. “Sitting in the Open: How Nest Microclimate Influences Incubation Behavior in an Open-Cup Nesting Passerine”. Journal of Avian Biology.
Jenkins, J.R., I.G. Pope, M.A. Dykstra, J.J. Jenkins, C.R. Dykstra, and K.A. Williams. 2023. “Do Standard Behavioral Assays Predict Foraging Behavior of Individual Black-Capped Chickadees (Poecile Atricapillus) in Response to a Predator Model or Calls?”. Journal of Comparative Psychology.
Williams, Kelly A., M. B. Shumar, B. T. Shirkey L. J. Kearns, J. N. Mager, J. M. Lautenbach, M. A. Al-Saffar, A. M. Froehlich, et al. 2023. “The Second Ohio All-Bird Conservation Plan (2023)”. Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative, Columbus, OH.
Williams, Kelly A, Laura R Dykstra, Jacob P Sieg, and Cheryl R Dykstra. 2023. “Consequences of Topography on Nest Microclimate and Reproductive Success in an Open-Cup Nesting Passerine”. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 135 (1): 56-73.
Route, William T, Cheryl R Dykstra, Kelly A Williams, James Campbell-Spickler, Mark S Martell, and Rebecca L Key. 2022. “Breeding Phenology and Nestling Morphology of Bald Eagles in the Upper Midwestern United States”. Journal of Raptor Research 56 (4): 398-411.
Sudnick, Madeline, Bekka S Brodie, and Kelly A Williams. 2021. “Nature versus Nurture: Structural Equation Modeling Indicates That Parental Care Does Not Mitigate Consequences of Poor Environmental Conditions in Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia Sialis)”. Ecology and Evolution 11 (21): 15237-48.
Route, William T, Cheryl R Dykstra, Sean M Strom, Michael W Meyer, and Kelly A Williams. 2021. “Patterns and Trends of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Bald Eagle Nestlings in Minnesota and Wisconsin, USA”. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40 (6): 1606-18.
Dykstra, Laura R, Jennifer J Jenkins, Cheryl R Dykstra, and Kelly A Williams. 2021. “Individual Variation in Black-Capped Chickadee (Poecile Atricapillus) Foraging Behavior in Response to a Predator Model.”. Journal of Comparative Psychology 135 (4): 480.
Dykstra, Cheryl R, William T Route, and Kelly A Williams. 2021. “Trends and Patterns of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Blood Plasma Samples of Bald Eagle Nestlings in Wisconsin and Minnesota, USA”. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40 (3): 754-66.
Dykstra, Cheryl R, Jeffrey L Hays, Melinda M Simon, Ann R Wegman, Laura R Dykstra, and Kelly A Williams. 2021. “Habitat and Weather Conditions Influence Reproductive Rates of Suburban and Rural Red-Shouldered Hawks Buteo Lineatus”. Ibis 163 (2): 623-40.