
I am broadly interested in Avian Ecology including movement ecology, behavior and physiological ecology. My lab examines how birds use habitats within the landscape and how birds respond to environmental conditions.

Overwinter Habitat Use of Sparrows

We are studying how  overwintering sparrows use the human-dominated landscape in southeastern Ohio. We band and nanotag Dark-eyed Juncos  and American Tree Sparrows then  use automated and manual telemetry to determine what habitat patches birds use during the winter and estimate overwinter survival. We are also able to track spring migratory departure and migration routes.

Movement Ecology of Henslow's Sparrows

We are studying the movement ecology of Henslow's Sparrows during breeding and post-breeding dispersal. Our goal is to understand how grassland birds use habitat during critical life history stages. Our work will be used to make management recommendations.

We partnered with The Nature Conservancy's Edge of Appalachia Preserve and The Wilds.

Post-fledging Survival of American Kestrels

We are studying the post-fledging dispersal and survival of American Kestrels.  

Fall Stopover Ecology and Migration of Swainson's Thrush

Ornithology and Field Ecology students participated in a study of fall stopover ecology and migration of Swainson's Thrush. Students used manual radio telemetry to track thrushes during fall stopover and recorded habitat use. We used automated radio telemetry through the Motus WIldlife Tracking Network to determine migration timing and routes.

Bird-Building Collision Monitoring

Our lab began a bird-building collision monitoring program on campus during fall 2023 to determine if windows on campus are contributing to avian mortality during migration. Learn more here

Laboratory Collaborations

We collaborate with Dr. Cheryl Dykstra (Raptor Enviornmental), Ann Wegman (Cincinnati Museum), The Nature Conservancy and The Wilds.