A visual interactive analytic tool for filtering and summarizing large health data sets coded with hierarchical terminologies (VIADS)

Jing, Xia, Matthew Emerson, David Masters, Matthew Brooks, Jacob Buskirk, Nasseef Abukamail, Chang Liu, et al. 2019. “A visual interactive analytic tool for filtering and summarizing large health data sets coded with hierarchical terminologies (VIADS)”. 2019.


Vast volumes of data, coded through hierarchical terminologies (e.g., International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision–Clinical Modification [ICD10-CM], Medical Subject Headings [MeSH]), are generated routinely in electronic health record systems and medical literature databases. Although graphic representations can help to augment human understanding of such data sets, a graph with hundreds or thousands of nodes challenges human comprehension. To improve comprehension, new tools are needed to extract the overviews of such data sets. We aim to develop a visual interactive analytic tool for filtering and summarizing large health data sets coded with hierarchical terminologies (VIADS) as an online and publicly accessible tool. The ultimate goals are to filter, summarize the health data sets, extract insights, compare and highlight the differences between various health data sets by using VIADS. The results generated from VIADS can be utilized as data-driven evidence to facilitate clinicians, clinical researchers, and healthcare administrators to make more informed clinical, research, and administrative decisions. We utilized the following tools and the development environments to develop VIADS: Django, Python, JavaScript, Vis.js, Graph.js, JQuery, Plotly, Chart.js, Unittest, R, and MySQL.

Last updated on 10/26/2023