Marital Hostility, Hostile Parenting, and Child Aggression: Associations From Toddlerhood to School Age

Stover, Carla Smith, Yuchun Zhou, Andrew Kiselica, Misaki N. Natsuaki, Laura V. Scaramella, David Reiss, Leslie D. Leve, and Jenae M. Neiderhiser. 2015. “Marital Hostility, Hostile Parenting, and Child Aggression: Associations From Toddlerhood to School Age”. 2015.


The spillover hypothesis suggests that childhood aggression results from spillover of interparental conflict to poor parenting, which promotes aggressive child behavior. This study was designed to examine the spillover hypothesis in non–genetically related parent–child dyads from the toddler period through age 6 years.

Last updated on 10/26/2023