Dr. Kelly A. Williams

Dr. Kelly A. Williams

Professor of Instruction, Ohio University
Rush Elliott Professor
Dr. Kelly Williams

Dr. Kelly A. Williams

Professor of Instruction, Ohio University
Rush Elliott Professor

I am an avian ecologist with broad interest in understanding how birds respond to environmental conditions. My current research focus is to understand how birds use habitat patches within the human dominated landscape so we can make management recommendations to improve habitat and make our landscapes safer for birds. My research also includes understanding how food availability, temperature, parasites, and habitat structure affect parental care behaviors, reproductive success, and survival.

I earned my Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Ohio University in 2013 and M.S. in Environmental Studies at OHIO in 2008. I am currently an Associate Professor of Instruction and Rush Elliott Professor in Biological Sciences at Ohio University where I teach Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Multivariate Statistics, Ornithology, Field Ecology, and a variety of tutorials targeted to student interest. Outside the classroom, I provide experiential learning opportunities in ornithological research techniques, supervise undergraduate and graduate research, and lead Wildlife and Conservation in Thailand, a study away program through the office of Global Opportunities. I am a faculty member for the OHIO Fellows, a non-traditional scholars program and am a faculty mentor for Bobcat Birders, a student organization.

I am passionate about conserving birds and the ecosystems where birds and humans live. My professional service includes the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative, where I am a steering committee member, am active with OBCI's Conservation Planning and Research Committee (CPRC, chair 2019 - 2022) and Ohio Avian Research Conference. During my tenure as chair of the CPRC, I was team lead on the Second Ohio All-bird Conservation Plan that was published in 2023.