The Williams Lab presented our research at the Ohio University Student Expo on April 11, 2024. We presented four posters, three of which were judged and won awards.
Window Pain: A Survey of Avian Window Collisions on Ohio University’s Athens Campus by Verónica Barrios, Biz Savitski, Molly Murphy, Thomas Meyer, Elena Delach, Josh Zawiski, Gabriella Lindsey, Jacob Morgan, and Kelly A. Williams.
Habitat Use and Migratory Timing of Henslow's Sparrows by Gabriella A. Lindsey, Cheryl R. Dykstra, Ann R. Wegman, and Kelly A. Williams. 1st place winner of the Sigma Xi award and 1st place winner of the Honor's Tutorial College popular choice award.
The Need for Seed: Patterns of Bird Feeder Use in Slate-colored Juncos (Junco hyemalis) by Olive Stringer, Emma Boczulak, Jacob Morgan, Gabriella A. Lindsey, and Kelly A. Williams. 1st place winner of the Biological Sciences Undergraduate Session 4.
Overwinter Habitat Patch Use, Survival, and Movement Ecology of Slate-colored Juncos, Junco hyemalis by Jacob Morgan, Gabriella A. Lindsey, and Kelly A. Williams. 1st place winner of the Biological Sciences Graduate Session 2.
Congrats to the William's Lab and all other expo presenters!