Rural Gambling Research Projects

Community Advisory Board

Our work on rural gambling will be conducted in collaboration with a community advisory board of individuals with lived experience of problem gambling. This includes being a part of interpreting our data, designing research questions, designing our survey and interview tools, and identifying future directions. Our community advisory board are partners in our research and help ensure that our work is for and with our community.

We are currently recruiting members for this board:

Recruitment flyer describing the duties of community advisory board members (bimonthly meetings over 2 years), compensation ($75 per hour), and the way to inquire (email by April 11th with a short statement of interest).

Rural Gambling Survey

We aim to survey individuals who have gambled in the past 12 months and live in a rural Appalachian area. We will be asking questions about their experiences of gambling, including harms they may have experienced, and barriers to help seeking if needed. A select number of participants will also be invited to complete follow-up interview to help us clarify responses to these surveys and more fully understand their experiences through more in depth conversation. We hope that these results will help to inform future prevention and intervention work in rural areas by better describing the gambling experience in individuals living in a rural area and identifying their unique experiences. Alongside our community partners, we plan for this work to provide feedback to rural Appalachian community providers.

More information expected at the end of 2025.