Current Projects
Below are some research projects that we are currently working on:
Understanding Providers' Beliefs and Knowledge of Harm Reduction Treatment
We are looking at beliefs providers hold about harm reduction, who is appropriate for this treatment, and beliefs about why they use, or do not use, harm reduction in their own practice.
This mixed methods project is being conducted in conjunction with collaborators at the University of New Mexico, the University of California, Berkeley, and Boston University School of Medicine.
We have completed data collection and are in the process of analyzing the data based on our multiple research questions. You can see more information about this project on this OSF page.
Understanding the Experience of Gambling in Rural Areas
Our team is currently planning several projects related to understanding the experience of gambling in rural areas using a mixed methods approach. We hope to better understand what gambling looks like in rural Appalachia, who is gambling, who is having problems, and barriers to treatments and prevention services for those gamblers.
Click here for more information about these projects.
Gambling in College Students
This study looks at the use of gambling in college students, the risks and harms that they experience, and their knowledge and use of prevention or responsible gambling strategies. This study will also look at gaps in knowledge and barriers to help seeking for gambling in college students. We hope that this study will bring increased understanding to gambling behaviors and ways to improve prevention and intervention in college students. This study is currently collecting data through a survey on Ohio University's campus.
The TEA Lab values collaborations, which we believe make research better. Our current collaborators include:
Cassie Boness, Ph.D. - University of New Mexico & Center on Alcohol, Substance use, And Addictions (CASAA)
Chris Floyd, M.A. - Bowling Green State University
Josh Grubbs, Ph.D. - University of New Mexico & Center on Alcohol, Substance use, And Addictions (CASAA)
Shane Kraus, Ph.D. - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Brooke Rogers, Ph.D., M.P.H. - Boston University School of Medicine
Peter Soyster, M.A. - University of California, Berkeley