Subjecting a massive two-dimensional Dirac material to a vortex light beam provides a mechanism for the photo-induction of multiply quantized vortices. Using Floquet theory, we show that electronic vortices, characterized by their total angular momentum, are exclusive to circularly polarized vortex beams. The equations for the driven system at the one photon-resonance are mapped to the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations of s-wave superconductors with multiply quantized vortices. This mapping provides valuable analytical tools for the analysis of the system's spectral properties.
We study a system composed of graphene decorated with an array of islands with 𝐶3𝑣 symmetry that induce quantum dot (IQD) regions via proximity effects and give rise to several spin-orbit couplings (SOCs). We evaluate transport properties for an array of IQDs and analyze the conditions for realizing isolated valley conductances and valley-state localization. The resulting transmission shows a square-type behavior with wide gaps that can be tuned by adjusting the strength of the staggered intrinsic SOCs. Realistic proximity effects are characterized by weak SOC strengths, and the analysis of our results in this regime shows that the Rashba coupling is the important interaction controlling valley properties. As a consequence, a top gate voltage can be used to tune the valley polarization and switch the valley scattering for positive or negative incident energies. A proper choice of SOC strengths leads to higher localization of valley states around the linear array of IQDs. These systems can be implemented in heterostructures composed of graphene and semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) such as MoSe2, WSe2, MoS2, or WS2. In these setups, the magnitudes of induced SOCs depend on the twist angle, and due to broken valley degeneracy, valley-polarized currents at the edges can be generated in a controllable manner as well as localized valley states. Our findings suggest an alternative approach for producing valley-polarized currents and propose a corresponding mechanism for valley-dependent electron optics and optoelectronic devices.
The discovery of correlated phases in twisted moiré superlattices accelerated the search for low-dimensional materials with exotic properties. A promising approach uses engineered substrates to strain the material. However, designing substrates for tailored properties is hindered by the incomplete understanding of the relationship between the substrate’s shapes and the electronic properties of the deposited materials. By analyzing effective models of graphene under periodic deformations with generic crystalline profiles, we identify strong C2z symmetry breaking as the critical substrate geometric feature for emerging energy gaps and quasi-flat bands. We find continuous strain profiles producing connected pseudomagnetic field landscapes are important for band topology. We show that the resultant electronic and topological properties from a substrate can be controlled with circularly polarized light, which also offers unique signatures for identifying the band topology imprinted by strain. Our results can guide experiments on strain engineering for exploring interesting transport and topological phenomena.
Caroli–de Gennes–Matricon (CdGM) states are localized states with a discrete energy spectrum bound to the core of vortices in superconductors. In topological superconductors, CdGM states are predicted to coexist with zero energy, chargeless states widely known as Majorana zero modes (MZMs). Due to their energy difference, current experiments rely on scanning tunneling spectroscopy methods to distinguish between them. This work shows that electrostatic inhomogeneities can push trivial CdGM states arbitrarily close to zero energy in nontopological systems where no MZM is present. Furthermore, the BCS charge of CdGM states is suppressed under the same mechanism. Through exploration of the impurity parameter space, we establish that these two phenomena generally happen in consonance. Our results show that energy and charge shifts in CdGM may be enough to imitate the spectroscopic signatures of MZMs even in cases where the estimated CdGM level spacing (in the absence of impurities) is much larger than the typical experimental level broadening.
Strain-inducing deformations in graphene alter charge distributions and provide a new method to design specific features in the band structure and transport properties. Novel approaches implement engineered substrates to induce specifically targeted strain profiles. Motivated by this technique, we study the evolution of charge distributions with an increasing number of out-of-plane deformations as an example of a finite size periodic substrate. We first analyze a system of two overlapping deformations and determine the quantitative relation between geometrical parameters and features in the local density of states. We extend the study to sets of three and four deformations in linear and two-dimensional arrays and observe the emergence of moiré patterns that are more pronounced for a hexagonal cell composed of seven deformations. A comparison between the induced strain profile and spatial maps of the local density of states at different energies provides evidence for the existence of states confined by the pseudomagnetic field in bounded regions, reminiscent of quantum dots structures. Due to the presence of these states, the energy level scaling to be observed by local probes should exhibit a linear dependence with the pseudofield, in contrast to the expected scaling of pseudo-Landau levels.
Previous works on deformed graphene predict the existence of valley-polarized states, however, optimal conditions for their detection remain challenging. We show that in the quantum Hall regime, edgelike states in strained regions can be isolated in energy within Landau gaps. We identify precise conditions for conducting edgelike states to be valley polarized. By the appropriate design of strain profiles these states can be positioned at chosen locations in the sample. A map of the local density of states as a function of energy and position reveals a unique braid pattern that serves as a fingerprint to identify valley polarization.
Kondo physics in doped monolayer graphene is predicted to exhibit unusual features due to the linear vanishing of the pristine material’s density of states at the Dirac point. Despite several attempts, conclusive experimental observation of the phenomenon remains elusive. One likely obstacle to identification is a very small Kondo temperature scale TK in situations where the chemical potential lies near the Dirac point. We propose tailored mechanical deformations of monolayer graphene as a means of revealing unique fingerprints of the Kondo effect. Inhomogeneous strains are known to produce specific alternating changes in the local density of states (LDOS) away from the Dirac point that signal sublattice symmetry-breaking effects. Small LDOS changes can be amplified in an exponential increase or decrease of TK for magnetic impurities attached at different locations. We illustrate this behavior in two deformation geometries: a circular “bubble” and a long fold, both described by Gaussian displacement profiles. We calculate the LDOS changes for modest strains and analyze the relevant Anderson impurity model describing a magnetic atom adsorbed in either a “top-site” or a “hollow-site” configuration. Numerical renormalization-group solutions of the impurity model suggest that higher expected TK values, combined with distinctive spatial patterns under variation of the point of graphene attachment, make the top-site configuration the more promising for experimental observation of signatures of the Kondo effect. The strong strain sensitivity of TK may lift top-site Kondo physics into the range experimentally accessible using local probes such as scanning tunneling microscopy.
This paper presents a theoretical description of the effects of strain induced by out-of-plane deformations on charge distributions and transport on graphene. A review of a continuum model for electrons using the Dirac formalism is complemented with elasticity theory to represent strain fields. The resulting model is cast in terms of scalar and pseudo-magnetic fields that control electron dynamics. Two distinct geometries, a bubble and a fold, are chosen to represent the most commonly observed deformations in experimental settings. It is shown that local charge accumulation regions appear in deformed areas, with a peculiar charge distribution that favors occupation of one sublattice only. This unique phenomenon that allows to distinguish each carbon atom in the unit cell, is the manifestation of a sublattice symmetry broken phase. For specific parameters, resonant states appear in localized charged regions, as shown by the emergence of discrete levels in band structure calculations. These findings are presented in terms of intuitive pictures that exploit analogies with confinement produced by square barriers. In addition, electron currents through strained regions are spatially separated into their valley components, making possible the manipulation of electrons with different valley indices. The degree of valley filtering (or polarization) for a specific system can be controlled by properly designing the strained area. The comparison between efficiencies of filters built with this type of geometries identifies extended deformations as better valley filters. A proposal for their experimental implementations as component of devices, and a discussion for potential observation of novel physics in strained structures are presented at the end of the paper.
Confinement of electrons in graphene to make devices has proven to be a challenging task. Electrostatic methods fail because of Klein tunneling, while etching into nanoribbons requires extreme control of edge terminations, and bottom-up approaches are limited in size to a few nanometers. Fortunately, its mechanical flexibility raises the possibility of using strain to alter graphene’s properties and create novel straintronic devices. Here, we report transport studies of nanowires created by linearly-shaped strained regions resulting from individual folds formed by layer transfer onto hexagonal boron nitride. Conductance measurements across the folds reveal Coulomb blockade signatures, indicating confined charges within these structures, which act as quantum dots. Along folds, we observe sharp features in traverse resistivity measurements, attributed to an amplification of the dot conductance modulations by a resistance bridge incorporating the device. Our data indicates ballistic transport up to ∼1 μm along the folds. Calculations using the Dirac model including strain are consistent with measured bound state energies and predict the existence of valley-polarized currents. Our results show that graphene folds can act as straintronic quantum wires.
The existence of two inequivalent valleys in the band structure of graphene has motivated the search of mechanisms that allow their separation and control for potential device applications. Among the several schemes proposed in the literature, strain-induced out-of-plane deformations (occurring naturally or intentionally designed in graphene samples), ranks among the best candidates to produce separation of valley currents. Because the valley filtering properties in these structures are, however, highly dependent on the type of deformation and setups considered, it is important to identify the relevant factors determining optimal operation and detection of valley currents. In this paper, we present a comprehensive comparison of two typical deformations commonly found in graphene samples: local centrosymmetric bubbles and extended folds/wrinkles. Using the Dirac model for graphene and the second-order Born approximation, we characterize the scattering properties of the bubble deformation, while numerical transmission matrix methods are used for the foldlike deformations. In both cases, we obtain the dependence of valley polarization on the geometrical parameters of deformations and discuss their possible experimental realizations. Our study reveals that extended deformations act as better valley filters in broader energy ranges and present more robust features against variations of geometrical parameters and incident current directions.