Dynamic Partnerships

The Partnership for Community-Based Prevention (P4CBP) is a dedicated group of professionals working collaboratively to address the issues Ohio’s communities are facing related to behavioral health prevention and promotion. The P4CBP consists of Voinovich School Faculty and Professional Staff who are trained in a variety of disciplines: public health, social work, health education, prevention, communications, and sociology. In addition, a cadre of Undergraduate Voinovich Research Scholars and other student employees contribute meaningfully to the work.

The P4CBP draws extensively upon the rich array of resources offered by Ohio University – information technology, libraries, research & sponsored programs, and finance & administration. We recognize that the issues we work on are complex and no single entity or organization can address them alone. As such, much of the work is accomplished through long-standing, dynamic external partnerships at the national, state, and local level including:

  • Government Public Service Entities
  • Community Nonprofit Organizations
  • Behavioral Health Providers
  • Minority-Based Enterprises
  • Philanthropic Foundations
  • Nonprofit Research Organizations
  • Institutions of Higher Education

We believe that effective, sustainable change requires the strengths of individuals and organizations woven together (much like a tapestry) to meet outcomes and move the needle for change.  Below is a quilt of dedicated organizations of which we are honored to partner with in this work.  Tap any logo below to learn more about the organization and how they serve Ohio.















   UMADAOP of Dayton