Alzheimer's Centers in US Hospitals: Enough to Adequately Address Dementia Care Nationwide?

Gutierrez, A, C Cronin, B Franz, and G Muniz-Terrera. 2023. “Alzheimer's Centers in US Hospitals: Enough to Adequately Address Dementia Care Nationwide?”. J Aging Health.


Objectives: To investigate the availability of Alzheimer's Centers (ACs) in US hospitals.

Methods: Utilizing the American Hospital Association Annual Survey, Area Health Resource File, and US Census (n = 3251), we employed multivariable logistic regression to examine hospital, county, and regional predictors of AC availability.

Results: Large hospitals (>399 beds) had approximately 14 times higher odds of having an AC than small hospitals (<50 beds; OR = 14.0; 95% CI = 6.44 - 30.46). Counties with a higher proportion of Latino residents, relative to non-Latino Whites, had lower odds of having an AC (OR = .05; 95% CI = .01 - .41). Northeastern (OR = 1.92; 95% CI = 1.15 - 3.22) and Midwestern (OR = 2.12; 95% CI = 1.34 - 3.37) hospitals had higher odds of having an AC than Southern hospitals.

Discussion: To address dementia needs and disparities, investment in a national infrastructure is critical.

Last updated on 03/05/2024