Adonis Durado
With twenty years of industry experience in advertising and editorial design, Adonis Durado held roles as a visual journalist and an art director. Before joining the academe, he supervised award-winning ad agencies and newsrooms, lauded with over 500 international recognitions by organizations such as the Society of News Design, the Society of Publication Design, and the World Association of Newspapers. As a freelance designer, he facilitated magazine and newspaper launches and transformations globally. He also conducted lectures and workshops worldwide, spanning India, Turkey, Ukraine, UAE, Indonesia, South Africa, and Germany. His works received honors from the Malofiej Infographic Awards, the Society of Illustrators, the Type Directors Club, the Graphis International Award, the Hermes Creative Awards, etc. His works are featured in design books like The Newspaper Designer's Handbook, All About Mags, and Creative Anarchy: How to Break the Rules of Graphic Design for Creative Success.