Yue, G. H., B. C. Clark, S. Li, and D. E. Vaillancourt. 2017. “Understanding Neuromuscular System Plasticity to Improve Motor Function in Health, Disease, and Injury”. Neural Plast 2017: 2425180. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/2425180.
Mahato, N. K., S. Montuelle, C. Goubeaux, J. Cotton, S. Williams, J. Thomas, and B. C. Clark. 2017. “Quantification of Intervertebral Displacement With a Novel MRI-Based Modeling Technique: Assessing Measurement Bias and Reliability With a Porcine Spine Model”. Magn Reson Imaging 38: 77-86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mri.2016.12.022.
The purpose of this study was to develop a novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based modeling technique for measuring intervertebral displacements. Here, we present the measurement bias and reliability of the developmental work using a porcine spine model. Porcine lumbar vertebral segments were fitted in a custom-built apparatus placed within an externally calibrated imaging volume of an open-MRI scanner. The apparatus allowed movement of the vertebrae through pre-assigned magnitudes of sagittal and coronal translation and rotation. The induced displacements were imaged with static (T(1)) and fast dynamic (2D HYCE S) pulse sequences. These images were imported into animation software, in which these images formed a background 'scene'. Three-dimensional models of vertebrae were created using static axial scans from the specimen and then transferred into the animation environment. In the animation environment, the user manually moved the models (rotoscoping) to perform model-to-'scene' matching to fit the models to their image silhouettes and assigned anatomical joint axes to the motion-segments. The animation protocol quantified the experimental translation and rotation displacements between the vertebral models. Accuracy of the technique was calculated as 'bias' using a linear mixed effects model, average percentage error and root mean square errors. Between-session reliability was examined by computing intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and the coefficient of variations (CV). For translation trials, a constant bias (beta(0)) of 0.35 (+/-0.11) mm was detected for the 2D HYCE S sequence (p=0.01). The model did not demonstrate significant additional bias with each mm increase in experimental translation (beta(1)Displacement=0.01mm; p=0.69). Using the T(1) sequence for the same assessments did not significantly change the bias (p>0.05). ICC values for the T(1) and 2D HYCE S pulse sequences were 0.98 and 0.97, respectively. For rotation trials, a constant bias (beta(0)) of 0.62 (+/-0.12) degrees was detected for the 2D HYCE S sequence (p0.01). The model also demonstrated an additional bias (beta(1)Displacement) of 0.05 degrees with each degree increase in the experimental rotation (p0.01). Using T(1) sequence for the same assessments did not significantly change the bias (p>0.05). ICC values for the T(1) and 2D HYCE S pulse sequences were recorded 0.97 and 0.91, respectively. This novel quasi-static approach to quantifying intervertebral relationship demonstrates a reasonable degree of accuracy and reliability using the model-to-image matching technique with both static and dynamic sequences in a porcine model. Future work is required to explore multi-planar assessment of real-time spine motion and to examine the reliability of our approach in humans.
Mahato, N. K., D. Sybert, T. Law, and B. Clark. 2017. “Effects of Spine Loading in a Patient With Post-Decompression Lumbar Disc Herniation: Observations Using an Open Weight-Bearing MRI”. Eur Spine J 26: 17-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00586-016-4581-6.
PURPOSE: Our objective was to use an open weight-bearing MRI to identify the effects of different loading conditions on the inter-vertebral anatomy of the lumbar spine in a post-discectomy recurrent lumbar disc herniation patient. METHODS: A 43-year-old male with a left-sided L5-S1 post-decompression re-herniation underwent MR imaging in three spine-loading conditions: (1) supine, (2) weight-bearing on standing (WB), and (3) WB with 10 % of body mass axial loading (WB + AL) (5 % through each shoulder). A segmentation-based proprietary software was used to calculate and compare linear dimensions, angles and cross sections across the lumbar spine. RESULTS: The L5 vertebrae showed a 4.6 mm posterior shift at L5-S1 in the supine position that changed to an anterior translation >2.0 mm on WB. The spinal canal sagittal thickness at L5-S1 reduced from supine to WB and WB + AL (13.4, 10.6, 9.5 mm) with corresponding increases of 2.4 and 3.5 mm in the L5-S1 disc protrusion with WB and WB + AL, respectively. Change from supine to WB and WB + AL altered the L5-S1 disc heights (10.2, 8.6, 7.0 mm), left L5-S1 foramen heights (12.9, 11.8, 10.9 mm), L5-S1 segmental angles (10.3 degrees , 2.8 degrees , 4.3 degrees ), sacral angles (38.5 degrees , 38.3 degrees , 40.3 degrees ), L1-L3-L5 angles (161.4 degrees , 157.1 degrees , 155.1 degrees ), and the dural sac cross sectional areas (149, 130, 131 mm(2)). Notably, the adjacent L4-L5 segment demonstrated a retro-listhesis >2.3 mm on WB. CONCLUSION: We observed that with weight-bearing, measurements indicative of spinal canal narrowing could be detected. These findings suggest that further research is warranted to determine the potential utility of weight-bearing MRI in clinical decision-making.
Loucks, A. B., B. C. Clark, and L. Bowman. 2017. “Response to ‘Clinical Evaluation of Bone Strength and Fracture Risk’”. Curr Osteoporos Rep 15: 396-97. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11914-017-0386-8.
We read with great interest the recent review by de Bakker et al that summarized the state of several existing and emerging technologies for estimating bone strength and fracture risk in vivo. Much of their review focused on how well the measurements of selected technologies predicted experimental measurements of bone strength by ex vivo quasistatic mechanical testing (QMT) and on how well they tracked changes in mechanical properties of bone. The authors noted that the association of many common skeletal health measurements (e.g., DXA measures of trabecular bone score and areal and volumetric BMD) are only moderately associated with bone strength. The authors did not include mechanical response tissue analysis (MRTA) in their review. MRTA is a dynamic mechanical bending test that uses a vibration analysis technique to make immediate, direct, functional measurements of the mechanical properties (mass, stiffness, and damping) of long bones in humans in vivo. In this article we note our interest in the ability of MRTA to detect large changes in bone stiffness that go undetected by DXA. We also highlight results of our proprietary improvements to MRTA technology that have resulted in unmatched accuracy in QMT-validated measurements of the bending stiffness and estimates of the bending strength (both R2 = 0.99) of human ulna bones. To distinguish our improved technique from the legacy MRTA technology, we refer to it as Cortical Bone Mechanics Technology (CBMT). Further research will determine whether such CBMT measurements are clinically useful.
Clark, B. C., and T. M. Manini. 2017. “Can KAATSU Exercise Cause Rhabdomyolysis?”. Clin J Sport Med 27: e1-e2. https://doi.org/10.1097/JSM.0000000000000309.
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in using low-load resistance exercise in combination with a reduction in blood flow to promote muscle adaptation (ie, blood flow-restricted exercise or KAATSU exercise). There has been 1 case study reported in the literature of this type of exercise resulting in exertional rhabdomyolysis, and herein, we report the second case of exertional rhabdomyolysis. In this case, a 20-year-old man performed 6 sets of blood flow-restricted exercise (3 sets of knee-extension and 3 sets of elbow-flexion exercise). The subject presented with high levels of delayed onset muscle soreness in the days after the exercise bout exhibited high levels of creatine kinase (peak recorded: 36 000 IU/L), and was hospitalized for exertional rhabdomyolysis. We urge that investigators and practitioners use caution with blood flow-restricted exercise protocols and to begin these exercise programs modestly and gradually progress them with time.
Arnold, W. D., and B. C. Clark. 2017. “Is Sarcopenia Driven by Motor Neuron/Unit Loss? An Unresolved Question”. Muscle Nerve 55: 930. https://doi.org/10.1002/mus.25649.
Manini, T. M., and B. C. Clark. 2016. “Letter to the Editor: Results from a Web-Based Survey to Identify Dynapenia Screening Tools and Risk Factors”. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 7: 499-500. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcsm.12128.
Mahato, N. K., S. Montuelle, J. Cotton, S. Williams, J. Thomas, and B. Clark. 2016. “Development of a Morphology-Based Modeling Technique for Tracking Solid-Body Displacements: Examining the Reliability of a Potential MRI-only Approach for Joint Kinematics Assessment”. BMC Med Imaging 16: 38. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12880-016-0140-1.
BACKGROUND: Single or biplanar video radiography and Roentgen stereophotogrammetry (RSA) techniques used for the assessment of in-vivo joint kinematics involves application of ionizing radiation, which is a limitation for clinical research involving human subjects. To overcome this limitation, our long-term goal is to develop a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-only, three dimensional (3-D) modeling technique that permits dynamic imaging of joint motion in humans. Here, we present our initial findings, as well as reliability data, for an MRI-only protocol and modeling technique. METHODS: We developed a morphology-based motion-analysis technique that uses MRI of custom-built solid-body objects to animate and quantify experimental displacements between them. The technique involved four major steps. First, the imaging volume was calibrated using a custom-built grid. Second, 3-D models were segmented from axial scans of two custom-built solid-body cubes. Third, these cubes were positioned at pre-determined relative displacements (translation and rotation) in the magnetic resonance coil and scanned with a T1 and a fast contrast-enhanced pulse sequences. The digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) images were then processed for animation. The fourth step involved importing these processed images into an animation software, where they were displayed as background scenes. In the same step, 3-D models of the cubes were imported into the animation software, where the user manipulated the models to match their outlines in the scene (rotoscoping) and registered the models into an anatomical joint system. Measurements of displacements obtained from two different rotoscoping sessions were tested for reliability using coefficient of variations (CV), intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), Bland-Altman plots, and Limits of Agreement analyses. RESULTS: Between-session reliability was high for both the T1 and the contrast-enhanced sequences. Specifically, the average CVs for translation were 4.31 % and 5.26 % for the two pulse sequences, respectively, while the ICCs were 0.99 for both. For rotation measures, the CVs were 3.19 % and 2.44 % for the two pulse sequences with the ICCs being 0.98 and 0.97, respectively. A novel biplanar imaging approach also yielded high reliability with mean CVs of 2.66 % and 3.39 % for translation in the x- and z-planes, respectively, and ICCs of 0.97 in both planes. CONCLUSIONS: This work provides basic proof-of-concept for a reliable marker-less non-ionizing-radiation-based quasi-dynamic motion quantification technique that can potentially be developed into a tool for real-time joint kinematics analysis.
Oki, K., N. K. Mahato, M. Nakazawa, S. Amano, C. R. France, D. W. Russ, and B. C. Clark. 2016. “Preliminary Evidence That Excitatory Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Extends Time to Task Failure of a Sustained, Submaximal Muscular Contraction in Older Adults”. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 71: 1109-12. https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/glw011.
BACKGROUND: Decreased cortical excitability has been proposed as a potential mechanism underlying task failure during sustained muscular contractions, and cortical excitability may decrease with old age. We tested the hypothesis that transcranial direct current stimulation, which has been reported to raise cortical excitability, would prolong the time to task failure during a sustained muscular contraction in older adults. METHODS: Thirteen older adults (68.3+/-2.0 years; eight women and five men) performed isometric, elbow flexions to failure while receiving sham or anodal transcranial direct current stimulation. Order of stimulation was randomized, and the subjects and investigators were blinded to condition. Time to task failure was measured alongside selected psychological indices of perceived exertion and affect. RESULTS: Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation prolonged mean time to task failure by approximately 15% (16.9+/-2.2 vs 14.7+/-1.8 minutes) and slowed the rate of increase in rating of perceived exertion (0.29+/-0.03 vs 0.31+/-0.03) relative to the sham condition. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary findings suggest that anodal transcranial direct current stimulation enhances time to task failure of a sustained, submaximal contraction in older adults by potentially increasing cortical excitability and/or influencing the perception of exertion. These results raise the question of whether interventions that acutely increase cortical excitability could enhance physical function and/or exercise-induced adaptations in older adults.
Manini, T. M., and B. C. Clark. 2016. “Letter to the Editor: Results from a Web-Based Survey to Identify Dynapenia Screening Tools and Risk Factors”. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle 7: 499-500. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcsm.12128.