

Lum, William, Dinesh Gautam, Jixin Chen, and Laura B Sagle. (2019) 2019. “Single Molecule Protein Patterning Using Hole Mask Colloidal Lithography”. Nanoscale 11 (35): 16228-34.

The ability to manipulate single protein molecules on a surface is useful for interfacing biology with many types of devices in optics, catalysis, bioengineering, and biosensing. Control of distance, orientation, and activity at the single molecule level will allow for the production of on-chip devices with increased biological activity. Cost effective methodologies for single molecule protein patterning with tunable pattern density and scalable coverage area remain a challenge. Herein, Hole Mask Colloidal Lithography is presented as a bench-top colloidal lithography technique that enables a glass coverslip to be patterned with functional streptavidin protein onto patches from 15-200 nm in diameter with variable pitch. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to characterize the size of the patterned features on the glass surface. Additionally, single-molecule fluorescence microscopy was used to demonstrate the tunable pattern density, measure binding controls, and confirm patterned single molecules of functional streptavidin.

Piecco, Kurt Waldo E Sy, Juvinch R Vicente, Joseph R Pyle, David C Ingram, Martin E Kordesch, and Jixin Chen. (2019) 2019. “Reusable Chemically-Micropatterned Substrates via Sequential Photoinitiated Thiol-Ene Reactions As Template for Perovskite Thin-Film Microarrays”. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 1 (11): 2279-86.

Patterning semiconducting materials are important for many applications such as microelectronics, displays, and photodetectors. Lead halide perovskites are an emerging class of semiconducting materials that can be patterned via solution-based methods. Here we report an all-benchtop patterning strategy by first generating a patterned surface with contrasting wettabilities to organic solvents that have been used in the perovskite precursor solution then spin-coating the solution onto the patterned surface. The precursor solution only stays in the area with higher affinity (wettability). We applied sequential sunlight-initiated thiol-ene reactions to functionalize (and pattern) both glass and conductive fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) transparent glass surfaces. The functionalized surfaces were measured with the solvent contact angles of water and different organic solvents and were further characterized by XPS, selective fluorescence staining, and selective DNA adsorption. By simply spin-coating and baking the perovskite precursor solution on the patterned substrates, we obtained perovskite thin-film microarrays. The spin-coated perovskite arrays were characterized by XRD, AFM, and SEM. We concluded that patterned substrate prepared via sequential sunlight-initiated thiol-ene click reactions is suitable to fabricate perovskite arrays via the benchtop process. In addition, the same patterned substrates can be reused several times until a favorable perovskite microarray is acquired. Among a few conditions we have tested, DMSO solvent and modified FTO surfaces with alternatively carboxylic acid and alkane is the best combination to obtain high-quality perovskite microarrays. The solvent contact angle of DMSO on carboxylic acid-modified FTO surface is nearly zero and 65±3° on octadecane modified FTO surface.


Piecco, Kurt W E Sy, Ahmed M Aboelenen, Joseph R Pyle, Juvinch R Vicente, Dinesh Gautam, and Jixin Chen. (2018) 2018. “Kinetic Model under Light-Limited Condition for Photoinitiated Thiol-Ene Coupling Reactions”. ACS Omega 3 (10): 14327-32.

Thiol-ene click chemistry has become a powerful paradigm in synthesis, materials science, and surface modification in the past decade. In the photoinitiated thiol-ene reaction, an induction period is often observed before the major change in its kinetic curve, for which a possible mechanism is proposed in this report. Briefly, light soaking generates radicals following the zeroth-order reaction kinetics. The radical is the reactant that initializes the chain reaction of thiol-ene coupling, which is a first-order reaction. Combining both and under the light-limited conditions, a surprising kinetics represented by a Gaussian-like model evolves that is different from the exponential model used to describe the first-order reaction of the final product. The experimental data are fitted well with the new model, and the reaction kinetic constants can be pulled out from the fitting.

Wang, Lei, Joseph R Pyle, Katherine A Cimatu, and Jixin Chen. (2018) 2018. “Ultrafast Transient Absorption Spectra of Photoexcited YOYO-1 Molecules Call for Additional Investigations of Their Fluorescence Quenching Mechanism”. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry 367: 411-19.

In this report, we observed that YOYO-1 immobilized on a glass surface is much brighter when dried (quantum yield 16±4% in the ambient air) or in hexane than in water (quantum yield  %).YOYO-1 is a typical cyanine dye that has a photo-isomerization reaction upon light illumination. In order to understand this quenching mechanism, we use femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy to measure YOYO-1's electron dynamics after excitation directly. By deconvoluting the hot-ground-state absorption and the stimulated emission, the dynamics of electronic relaxation and balance are revealed. The results support the intermolecular charge transfer mechanism better than the intramolecular relaxation mechanism that has been widely believed before. We believe that the first step of the relaxation involves a Dexter charge transfer between the photo-excited YOYO-1 molecule and another guest molecule that is directly bound to the YOYO-1 giving two radicals with opposite signs of charges. The charges are recombined either directly between these two molecules, or both molecules start to rotate and separate from each other. Eventually, the two charges recombined non-radiatively via various pathways. These pathways are reflected on the complicated multi-exponential decay curves of YOYO-1 fluorescence lifetime measurements. This charge transfer mechanism suggests that (1) electrical insulation may help improve the quantum yield of YOYO-1 in polar solutions significantly and (2) a steric hindrance for the intramolecular rotation may have a less significant effect.


Pyle, Joseph R, and Jixin Chen. (2017) 2017. “Photobleaching of YOYO-1 in Super-Resolution Single DNA Fluorescence Imaging”. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 8: 2296-2306.

Super-resolution imaging of single DNA molecules via point accumulation for imaging in nanoscale topography (PAINT) has great potential to visualize fine DNA structures with nanometer resolution. In a typical PAINT video acquisition, dye molecules (YOYO-1) in solution sparsely bind to the target surfaces (DNA) whose locations can be mathematically determined by fitting their fluorescent point spread function. Many YOYO-1 molecules intercalate into DNA and remain there during imaging, and most of them have to be temporarily or permanently fluorescently bleached, often stochastically, to allow for the visualization of a few fluorescent events per DNA per frame of the video. Thus, controlling the fluorescence on-off rate is important in PAINT. In this paper, we study the photobleaching of YOYO-1 and its correlation with the quality of the PAINT images. At a low excitation laser power density, the photobleaching of YOYO-1 is too slow and a minimum required power density was identified, which can be theoretically predicted with the proposed method in this report.


Kisley, Lydia, Jixin Chen, Andrea P Mansur, Bo Shuang, Katerina Kourentzi, Mohan-Vivekanandan Poongavanam, Wen-Hsiang Chen, Sagar Dhamane, Richard C Willson, and Christy F Landes. (2014) 2014. “Unified Superresolution Experiments and Stochastic Theory Provide Mechanistic Insight into Protein Ion-Exchange Adsorptive Separations”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111 (6): 2075-80.

Chromatographic protein separations, immunoassays, and biosensing all typically involve the adsorption of proteins to surfaces decorated with charged, hydrophobic, or affinity ligands. Despite increasingly widespread use throughout the pharmaceutical industry, mechanistic detail about the interactions of proteins with individual chromatographic adsorbent sites is available only via inference from ensemble measurements such as binding isotherms, calorimetry, and chromatography. In this work, we present the direct superresolution mapping and kinetic characterization of functional sites on ion-exchange ligands based on agarose, a support matrix routinely used in protein chromatography. By quantifying the interactions of single proteins with individual charged ligands, we demonstrate that clusters of charges are necessary to create detectable adsorption sites and that even chemically identical ligands create adsorption sites of varying kinetic properties that depend on steric availability at the interface. Additionally, we relate experimental results to the stochastic theory of chromatography. Simulated elution profiles calculated from the molecular-scale data suggest that, if it were possible to engineer uniform optimal interactions into ion-exchange systems, separation efficiencies could be improved by as much as a factor of five by deliberately exploiting clustered interactions that currently dominate the ion-exchange process only accidentally.

Kisley, Lydia, Jixin Chen, Andrea P Mansur, Sergio Dominguez-Medina, Eliona Kulla, Marci K Kang, Bo Shuang, et al. (2014) 2014. “High Ionic Strength Narrows the Population of Sites Participating in Protein Ion-Exchange Adsorption: A Single-Molecule Study”. Journal of Chromatography. A 1343: 135-42.

The retention and elution of proteins in ion-exchange chromatography is routinely controlled by adjusting the mobile phase salt concentration. It has repeatedly been observed, as judged from adsorption isotherms, that the apparent heterogeneity of adsorption is lower at more-eluting, higher ionic strength. Here, we present an investigation into the mechanism of this phenomenon using a single-molecule, super-resolution imaging technique called motion-blur Points Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography (mbPAINT). We observed that the number of functional adsorption sites was smaller at high ionic strength and that these sites had reduced desorption kinetic heterogeneity, and thus narrower predicted elution profiles, for the anion-exchange adsorption of α-lactalbumin on an agarose-supported, clustered-charge ligand stationary phase. Explanations for the narrowing of the functional population such as inter-protein interactions and protein or support structural changes were investigated through kinetic analysis, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and microscopy of agarose microbeads, respectively. The results suggest the reduction of heterogeneity is due to both electrostatic screening between the protein and ligand and tuning the steric availability within the agarose support. Overall, we have shown that single molecule spectroscopy can aid in understanding the influence of ionic strength on the population of functional adsorbent sites participating in the ion-exchange chromatographic separation of proteins.

Shuang, Bo, Jixin Chen, Lydia Kisley, and Christy F Landes. (2014) 2014. “Troika of Single Particle Tracking Programing: SNR Enhancement, Particle Identification, and Mapping”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : PCCP 16 (2): 624-34.

Single particle tracking (SPT) techniques provide a microscopic approach to probe in vivo and in vitro structure and reactions. Automatic analysis of SPT data with high efficiency and accuracy spurs the development of SPT algorithms. In this perspective, we review a range of available techniques used in SPT analysis programs. In addition, we present an example SPT program step-by-step to provide a guide so that researchers can use, modify, and/or write a SPT program for their own purposes.

Shuang, Bo, David Cooper, Nick Taylor, Lydia Kisley, Jixin Chen, Wenxiao Wang, Chun Biu Li, Tamiki Komatsuzaki, and Christy F Landes. (2014) 2014. “Fast Step Transition and State Identification (STaSI) for Discrete Single-Molecule Data Analysis”. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5 (18): 3157-61.

We introduce a step transition and state identification (STaSI) method for piecewise constant single-molecule data with a newly derived minimum description length equation as the objective function. We detect the step transitions using the Student's t test and group the segments into states by hierarchical clustering. The optimum number of states is determined based on the minimum description length equation. This method provides comprehensive, objective analysis of multiple traces requiring few user inputs about the underlying physical models and is faster and more precise in determining the number of states than established and cutting-edge methods for single-molecule data analysis. Perhaps most importantly, the method does not require either time-tagged photon counting or photon counting in general and thus can be applied to a broad range of experimental setups and analytes.

Tauzin, Lawrence J, Bo Shuang, Lydia Kisley, Andrea P Mansur, Jixin Chen, Al de Leon, Rigoberto C Advincula, and Christy F Landes. (2014) 2014. “Charge-Dependent Transport Switching of Single Molecular Ions in a Weak Polyelectrolyte Multilayer”. Langmuir : The ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids 30 (28): 8391-9.

The tunable nature of weak polyelectrolyte multilayers makes them ideal candidates for drug loading and delivery, water filtration, and separations, yet the lateral transport of charged molecules in these systems remains largely unexplored at the single molecule level. We report the direct measurement of the charge-dependent, pH-tunable, multimodal interaction of single charged molecules with a weak polyelectrolyte multilayer thin film, a 10 bilayer film of poly(acrylic acid) and poly(allylamine hydrochloride) PAA/PAH. Using fluorescence microscopy and single-molecule tracking, two modes of interaction were detected: (1) adsorption, characterized by the molecule remaining immobilized in a subresolution region and (2) diffusion trajectories characteristic of hopping (D ∼ 10(-9) cm(2)/s). Radius of gyration evolution analysis and comparison with simulated trajectories confirmed the coexistence of the two transport modes in the same single molecule trajectories. A mechanistic explanation for the probe and condition mediated dynamics is proposed based on a combination of electrostatics and a reversible, pH-induced alteration of the nanoscopic structure of the film. Our results are in good agreement with ensemble studies conducted on similar films, confirm a previously-unobserved hopping mechanism for charged molecules in polyelectrolyte multilayers, and demonstrate that single molecule spectroscopy can offer mechanistic insight into the role of electrostatics and nanoscale tunability of transport in weak polyelectrolyte multilayers.