
The Mourning VizSim Lab primarily focuses on research in the areas of Computer Graphics & Data Visualization, Augmented & Virtual Reality, and Simulation & Modelling, with ongoing projects related to Atmospheric Visibility Estimation, Human Evaluation for AI in Gaming, and Immersive Flight Simulation.

Multipath Modelling

The Mourning Visualization Lab in conjunction with the Avionics Engineering center maintains the Ohio University NAVAID Performance Prediction Model.  Learn more about OUNPPM here.

Safety in Aviation Weather

Ohio University does research on the "Visibility Supply Chain," determining where atmospheric visibility information comes from and how it gets to delivered to end users.

Immersive Flight Simulation for AI Training

 There is an unfortunate, implicit, pervasive assumption that training data generated from Flight Simulators will pass the "sim-to-real" transfer problem when training models for use in live flight.  The VizSim Lab uses a combination of simulation and live flight to test the capabilities of various simulators.

Human Evaluation of AI in Gaming

Our lab currently conducts research on the whether human subject can detect the difference between human crafted and AI generated beatmaps in rhythm games.

Post-Quantum Cybersecurity

microscopeThe VizSim lab also does research on Lattice Security and Quantum Communications in Aviation Safety.

Laboratory Collaborations

The VizSim lab has an ongoing relationship with the Ohio State University Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence.