Graciela Muniz-Terrera

Osteopathic Heritage Foundation Ralph S. Licklider, D.O Endowed Professor in Health and Aging
Social Medicine 
Irvine Hall 128F, Athens Campus

Phone: 740.593.9892



My research is centered on aging, brain health, and dementia prevention, where I make multifaceted contributions. These include pioneering the development and utilization of sophisticated analytical models to enhance our comprehension of these intricate processes. I strongly advocate for collaboration and the creation of resources to benefit the broader research community.

If any students are interested in getting involved or learning more about my research please feel free to reach out to me! Email:

"My ambition is to push the boundaries of the current understanding of the aging process, aiming to equip individuals with the knowledge to navigate their life towards old age with improved health."

Graciela Muniz-Terrera, PhD